Monday, May 23, 2011

Brave New World Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is now up on! I'm still trying to get it listed on Equestria Daily, so cross your fingers for me!

I really wanted to showcase Pinkie Pie's mental turmoil in this chapter, so I hope that came across as well as I think it did. At the same time, I was hoping to create more intrigue for you, the readers, to wonder what is going on here. After all, this story is supposed to have some suspense to it. Other than that I don't have a whole lot to really say about this chapter. It was very Pinkie Pie centric, but other chapters will focus on the other characters.


  1. Chapter 3 is currently in progress. I usually do most of my writing on the weekends, but I was away visiting family for most of this past weekend, so I wasn't able to get much done. I've pretty much gotten the meat of the chapter fleshed out in my head, so now I just need to type it all out and fill in the details. So far I've typed out about two pages of material; I'm hoping to keep the chapters around 7-8 pages at a minimum. My goal is to have chapter 3 available by the end of this coming weekend, if not before.
